Business Services

Business Transformation Services

I offer a unique blend catering to today's business needs. I understand the challenges of today and the future. Remote Work to Office Transition. The comprehension of an inter-generational workforce (studies show that by 2025 half of the world's workforce will be made up of millennials and Gen-Z.) The increase of burn out in the workplace and at home. Increasing churn and costs...all of this in addition to trying to maximize production, efficiencies and profit. That's where my experience helps.



Next-Gen Transformation approach where I train management with new and innovative skills to lead their teams and organizations into an evolving business landscape. This is a business transformation looking at tools and processes but with a necessary emphasis on the people module.

This is Transformation coupled with Leadership Development.

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Customized trainings to tackle your organization's pain points.

Popular topics (but not limited to):

  1. Time Management
  2. Burn Out
  3. Meeting Reduction
  4. Leadership Development
  5. Inter-departmental Cooperation
  6. Structure & Organization

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I speak on a variety of subjects related to my personal and business experience.

Specializing in Leadership, Motivational, Keynote and Productivity speaking.

My presentations are professional and with great stories due to my living and working in over 52 countries. I have many experiences to draw upon which helps engage and captivate the audience.

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What would you say is the stress level in your company on a scale from 1-10?

I like to ask this question because many view wellness in the physical form. However, Mental Health is unfortunately overlooked and can lead to burn out, additional absenteeism and these days contributing to more and more employee churn.

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Many companies don't have time for using existing management to coach and mentor individuals and teams.

I work with all levels (Executives to Engineers), upskilling in performance, productivity and focus techniques.

Having experience in all departments (C-Level, Finance, Operations, etc.) allows for me to relate easily.

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Whatever the problem, there is always a solution. I've delivered on the most demanding of deadlines in some of the most dangerous environments.

What may seem impossible to some is a beautiful opportunity for me. I am passionate about finding a way.

My approach is methodical and dedicated.

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Business Transformations can be tricky. Without transformation experience, proper planning and forward thinking, there can be more talk and less action. This leads to stagnant processes, uninterested staff, low morale, less productivity...I could go on and on.

Experience in transformation, end-to-end change management and development of sustainable solutions are of the utmost importance.

However, the most often overlooked area that requires transformation is the leadership. As the business, technology and clients evolve, so must the management.

Identifying skills required for present conditions and future planning is what will help the workforce grow, increase morale and reduce costly employee churn.

If you or your organization would like to upskill in how to execute and sustain a well planned transformation, the time is now!

Focus on now, commit to the future!

If April 2020 was the month of pink slips—as the rapid spread of COVID-19 resulted in the loss of 20.5 million jobs—then Fall 2021 is the dawn of their revenge.

A record-breaking 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August across an array of industries, according to a report released Tuesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). That’s the highest level since the agency started tracking such data in 2000, and the sixth consecutive month of sky-high quitting rates. Meanwhile, the 7.7 million people who remain unemployed aren’t, for the most part, jumping at the roughly 10.4 million job openings—leaving business after business with ‘Help Wanted’ placards in their windows.

Do you Have the pulse of your organization?

Are you asking the right questions to understand your organization's real efficiencies? Are you prepared for 2025 when 75% of the world's working population will be millennials or younger? What can be done about employee churn? Are you aware of the percentage of your workforce working more than 50 hours a week? Are all our departments working together seamlessly or is there communication and process problems?

I have a list of questions that every Human Resources Department and Management should be asking themselves to address now and into the future.